Sunday, May 3, 2009

Robert Downey Jr. and Jamie Fox Create Movie Magic

I saw the movie The Soloist today and I am suprised I haven't heard more praise. I personally think the previews for the movie do not match the quality of this movie.If it wasn't for a friend of mine saying how great the movie was I would of skipped it. I was instantly conected to the characters from the very beginning.

Robery Downey Jr comes off briliantly as a dedicated writer for The Los Angeles Time. He is inspired by a homeless man that is very gifted musically. He tries desperatly to help this man and give someone else a chance. It's hard to believe that a few years ago Robert Downey Jr. struggled with drugs and alchohol addiction and could barely make it on set. This movie demonstrated he can be that lead actor again.

Jaime Fox again portrays a real life person briliantly. He is such a great actor and this performace reminded me of that. His character balanced out Downey's character really well.The third character in this movie that was portrayed amazingly was the homeless in Los Angeles. The movie brought to light a very important issue that 90,000 people are homeless in Los Angeles and most have mental disorters that leave them helpless.

I live in Los Angeles and see homeless people every day.There is no way you can miss them but some how we all seem to ignore the issue. So in closing I really enjoyed it and I give this movie THREE COOKIES out of FIVE.

Melissa Newman
Los Angeles,CA

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