Friday, March 28, 2008

America Has No Racisim At ALL....(Sarcasim)

"Fargo, North Dakota-The March 18 skit involving the NDSU Saddle and Sirloin Club was performed at the Mr. NDSU Pageant, which raises money for diabetes research. People who attended it said a pageant contestant from Saddle and Sirloin dressed as a woman from the Internet video "I Got a Crush on Obama" and performed a strip tease for another student who was wearing dark makeup and an afro wig.

In the background, two male students dressed as cowboys simulated anal sex while holding an Obama sign that one student ripped at the conclusion of the 30-second performance, the Forum reported."

I think I am going to post every time I read a story about the issue with racism in America. I think people just need to be more informed that racism still exists. The situation like this one in North Dakota is a prime example. These white students had a lot of fun and enjoyed ridiculing a presidential candidate about his race and also had "gay cowboys" in the background to degrade him even more. This is again why Rev. Wright was so pissed off. He grew up when times were a lot worse. And we have come a long way with accepted each others race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. These kinds of acts of prejudice happen and it takes us backwards. Don't we all want to see just everyone as people?

The University of North Dakota is "looking into the investigation and is wondering where to cross the line between free speech." This does not have anything to do with free speech and everything to do with following the wrong example. These students are obviously ignorant and need to be taught that these kinds of acts are wrong. If they still don't understand than we have a bigger problem than we all thought.

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