Friday, March 28, 2008

Al Gore Is Not The Answer!

"Earlier this week, Democratic Rep. Tim Mahoney of Florida suggested Gore, the party’s 2000 presidential nominee, could assume the role of a compromise candidate if neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama could broker a deal.

"If it goes into the convention, don’t be surprised if someone different is at the top of the ticket,” he told a Florida newspaper, adding Gore could be that choice."

Are you kidding me? If this did happen and Gore just suddenly slipped in through Obama or Hillary this is not democracy at all. You can't just slip into a nomination when no one voted for you. You didn't raise any money as the other candidates did. You never went through the media to get you fair share of bashing. Well I know Al Gore has been there in 2000 but we are in a completely different world now. Even though it has only been 8 years a lot has happened. We are not the same country and we need some real change. This could just be another media story to improve ratings.

This would also look horrible to all races and genders. We have two candidates on the threshold of being the first African American or woman president. Then all of a sudden a rich white man is going to just swoop in and take it away? And people wonder why Rev. Write was so upset? Because this kind of problem that keeps happening in Washington.

All we need to do is waiting until all the states have voted. Now, Obama already has the most delegates and Clinton can't realistically win. If it goes to the super delegates then these so called "super delegates" better make up their mind. I am disappointed by the non-decision made with the FL and MI votes. It made everyone look like they can't make anything work and they can't just follow the rules. And since the votes in FL and MI aren't being noticed they can all blame their states leaders for not following the rules of the DNC. They had no reason to push up their dates. They didn't realize that they are just as important as all the other states. We will see what happens next!

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