Monday, March 24, 2008

Wake Up And Pay Attention America

The media and journalist are still not doing their job. They are masking what the real issues in America. They munipulate us day in and day out with "opinions" and not facts. They don't do their research and they never keep in mind that their number one job is to inform the public. I say this because I am outraged and I am sick and tired of no one being as outraged. The emphethy people have makes me sick. Sorry America but wake up! Face the fact that America is not this perfect place that everyone praises. Why are we so afraid to face our own problems that only build over time?

Sorry America you have to witness the ugly truths that still are pleaging our society. Sorry America that for once we have to look in the mirror and see that we are not this perfect sugar coated country we want to belive in. I have not believed in America in a long time. I mean look at us we are in a war that was a complete mistake and munipulated by fear tactics, we are now more unsafe then we were before the war, we have an "administration" not a government that doesn't fight for the people, and where our V.P. sits on national television and shrugs his shoulders and says "So?" to the American people that we want to end the war.

Sorry America but I am not done yet! We also need to aknoledge the number of families that will be evicted from their homes in the coming months because corperate America gave homes to people that they knew couldn't afford it, we are in a economy where the US dollar is slipping every day, we have over crowded prison systems and a justice system that needs to be changed, we have injured soldiers coming home and not getting the treatment they deserve, and it's time to face these problems we have been avoiding for so long!

I can not stand the way 24 hour news stations have been treating Barak Obama, his pasture, and questioning his "patriotism". The problem wasn't they Rev. Wright was shown it was the way it was portrayed by looping only a segment, over and over again. "Journalist" were outraged at the fact that a presidential candidate has a relationship with a man as "angry" as Rev. Wright. Yes he is angry and I'm angry too that "we" as a nation havn't come together. Sorry America but the issues of race in our "perfect" society is not united.

The topic of race is still a problem because we still have segrigated schools and schools that are not equal, parents are still teaching by bad example, more black males are in our prison system than any other race, there are still people scared/intimidated when a person of color walks toward them on the street, We still have people who citicize someone's success saying "it's only because you are black", and they are still hate crimes every day. Barack Obama made a speach that touched everyone. He started the conversation, he brought this issue to light, and it took a lot of courage. Media outlets continue to bashed him for his "judgement" of sitting in a church listening to someone speak with such outrage about America. Obama has said repeatedly he did not agree with what he was saying, but there is oviously more to Rev. Wright that the media does not show. The Media completly missed his speach about the war, economy, and health care. They only harp on the negative even though it's really the truth. I do not agree with Rev. Wright but I do agree with him that we need to change our society. He pulled open the curtain and showed how a lot of people feel about America. It's not that we don't want to be proud of America but we are tired of living a lie.

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