Sunday, May 3, 2009

Robert Downey Jr. and Jamie Fox Create Movie Magic

I saw the movie The Soloist today and I am suprised I haven't heard more praise. I personally think the previews for the movie do not match the quality of this movie.If it wasn't for a friend of mine saying how great the movie was I would of skipped it. I was instantly conected to the characters from the very beginning.

Robery Downey Jr comes off briliantly as a dedicated writer for The Los Angeles Time. He is inspired by a homeless man that is very gifted musically. He tries desperatly to help this man and give someone else a chance. It's hard to believe that a few years ago Robert Downey Jr. struggled with drugs and alchohol addiction and could barely make it on set. This movie demonstrated he can be that lead actor again.

Jaime Fox again portrays a real life person briliantly. He is such a great actor and this performace reminded me of that. His character balanced out Downey's character really well.The third character in this movie that was portrayed amazingly was the homeless in Los Angeles. The movie brought to light a very important issue that 90,000 people are homeless in Los Angeles and most have mental disorters that leave them helpless.

I live in Los Angeles and see homeless people every day.There is no way you can miss them but some how we all seem to ignore the issue. So in closing I really enjoyed it and I give this movie THREE COOKIES out of FIVE.

Melissa Newman
Los Angeles,CA

Friday, March 28, 2008

America Has No Racisim At ALL....(Sarcasim)

"Fargo, North Dakota-The March 18 skit involving the NDSU Saddle and Sirloin Club was performed at the Mr. NDSU Pageant, which raises money for diabetes research. People who attended it said a pageant contestant from Saddle and Sirloin dressed as a woman from the Internet video "I Got a Crush on Obama" and performed a strip tease for another student who was wearing dark makeup and an afro wig.

In the background, two male students dressed as cowboys simulated anal sex while holding an Obama sign that one student ripped at the conclusion of the 30-second performance, the Forum reported."

I think I am going to post every time I read a story about the issue with racism in America. I think people just need to be more informed that racism still exists. The situation like this one in North Dakota is a prime example. These white students had a lot of fun and enjoyed ridiculing a presidential candidate about his race and also had "gay cowboys" in the background to degrade him even more. This is again why Rev. Wright was so pissed off. He grew up when times were a lot worse. And we have come a long way with accepted each others race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. These kinds of acts of prejudice happen and it takes us backwards. Don't we all want to see just everyone as people?

The University of North Dakota is "looking into the investigation and is wondering where to cross the line between free speech." This does not have anything to do with free speech and everything to do with following the wrong example. These students are obviously ignorant and need to be taught that these kinds of acts are wrong. If they still don't understand than we have a bigger problem than we all thought.

Al Gore Is Not The Answer!

"Earlier this week, Democratic Rep. Tim Mahoney of Florida suggested Gore, the party’s 2000 presidential nominee, could assume the role of a compromise candidate if neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama could broker a deal.

"If it goes into the convention, don’t be surprised if someone different is at the top of the ticket,” he told a Florida newspaper, adding Gore could be that choice."

Are you kidding me? If this did happen and Gore just suddenly slipped in through Obama or Hillary this is not democracy at all. You can't just slip into a nomination when no one voted for you. You didn't raise any money as the other candidates did. You never went through the media to get you fair share of bashing. Well I know Al Gore has been there in 2000 but we are in a completely different world now. Even though it has only been 8 years a lot has happened. We are not the same country and we need some real change. This could just be another media story to improve ratings.

This would also look horrible to all races and genders. We have two candidates on the threshold of being the first African American or woman president. Then all of a sudden a rich white man is going to just swoop in and take it away? And people wonder why Rev. Write was so upset? Because this kind of problem that keeps happening in Washington.

All we need to do is waiting until all the states have voted. Now, Obama already has the most delegates and Clinton can't realistically win. If it goes to the super delegates then these so called "super delegates" better make up their mind. I am disappointed by the non-decision made with the FL and MI votes. It made everyone look like they can't make anything work and they can't just follow the rules. And since the votes in FL and MI aren't being noticed they can all blame their states leaders for not following the rules of the DNC. They had no reason to push up their dates. They didn't realize that they are just as important as all the other states. We will see what happens next!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Wake Up And Pay Attention America

The media and journalist are still not doing their job. They are masking what the real issues in America. They munipulate us day in and day out with "opinions" and not facts. They don't do their research and they never keep in mind that their number one job is to inform the public. I say this because I am outraged and I am sick and tired of no one being as outraged. The emphethy people have makes me sick. Sorry America but wake up! Face the fact that America is not this perfect place that everyone praises. Why are we so afraid to face our own problems that only build over time?

Sorry America you have to witness the ugly truths that still are pleaging our society. Sorry America that for once we have to look in the mirror and see that we are not this perfect sugar coated country we want to belive in. I have not believed in America in a long time. I mean look at us we are in a war that was a complete mistake and munipulated by fear tactics, we are now more unsafe then we were before the war, we have an "administration" not a government that doesn't fight for the people, and where our V.P. sits on national television and shrugs his shoulders and says "So?" to the American people that we want to end the war.

Sorry America but I am not done yet! We also need to aknoledge the number of families that will be evicted from their homes in the coming months because corperate America gave homes to people that they knew couldn't afford it, we are in a economy where the US dollar is slipping every day, we have over crowded prison systems and a justice system that needs to be changed, we have injured soldiers coming home and not getting the treatment they deserve, and it's time to face these problems we have been avoiding for so long!

I can not stand the way 24 hour news stations have been treating Barak Obama, his pasture, and questioning his "patriotism". The problem wasn't they Rev. Wright was shown it was the way it was portrayed by looping only a segment, over and over again. "Journalist" were outraged at the fact that a presidential candidate has a relationship with a man as "angry" as Rev. Wright. Yes he is angry and I'm angry too that "we" as a nation havn't come together. Sorry America but the issues of race in our "perfect" society is not united.

The topic of race is still a problem because we still have segrigated schools and schools that are not equal, parents are still teaching by bad example, more black males are in our prison system than any other race, there are still people scared/intimidated when a person of color walks toward them on the street, We still have people who citicize someone's success saying "it's only because you are black", and they are still hate crimes every day. Barack Obama made a speach that touched everyone. He started the conversation, he brought this issue to light, and it took a lot of courage. Media outlets continue to bashed him for his "judgement" of sitting in a church listening to someone speak with such outrage about America. Obama has said repeatedly he did not agree with what he was saying, but there is oviously more to Rev. Wright that the media does not show. The Media completly missed his speach about the war, economy, and health care. They only harp on the negative even though it's really the truth. I do not agree with Rev. Wright but I do agree with him that we need to change our society. He pulled open the curtain and showed how a lot of people feel about America. It's not that we don't want to be proud of America but we are tired of living a lie.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Who is Melissa Newman?

For my first blog only I will tell a little bit about my background. I think that's important for any reader. My blog is going to hit on all topics such as film, music, art, travel, social issues, world issues, and some life lessons I have learned. I won't say I know everything because I'm only 23 and have a long way to go before I start screaming that I know all!

The reason why I started a blog is because I feel that I have a lot to say and I have always been a writer. I wouldn't want to do it as a job but it is defiantly part of who I am. I am a naturally curious..Some call it nosey. I like to ask any question I want with out holding back. I also like to answer any question given to me with 100% honesty and with reasons too!

I am 23 and just moved to Los Angeles California about seven months ago from a seacoast town called Hampton, New Hampshire. I grew up in a nice perfect little community that sheltered me from the world. Then as time moved on I started to realize that there has to be more to my life than Hampton, New Hampshire. I started to notice how people were so comfortable with just settling like their parents did. My parents were always supportive of me even if they didn't have a clue about the entertainment industry. They are just simple people. In high school I got introduced to the world of film and that became the basis of what I wanted to do in a career. I love all film from the classic silent films of Charlie Chaplin, to War and Peace with Audrey Hepburn, to Rear Window with Alfred Hitchcock. And I just saw 300 and it was really good. It made me want to know more about Greece. There are plenty more films but I will be rambling on forever.

After high school I went to college for communications with a concentration in Television Production. I graduated in May 2006 with my Bachelors. I thought I knew everything from school and internships, and I really thought it would be easy for me to come out to Los Angeles and get into this entertainment industry. I thought that I wasn't like the "others" that come out here for the same exact dream. But I was completely wrong! I was exactly the same and compared to them by the millions! Who are they? But you know what? I got through it. Last week I finally got my first "real" foot in the door! I'm working for a entry level assistant for a very successful post-production company. So all the thought of not being in 'the biz" are out the door now. What really matters is right now in this moment. The past is gone and I will never get it back. I will never be able to have control over that. That is frustrating because when you figure out why things went wrong and the fact that you could have prevented it from happening. It's part of the control that I will never have and I have to just let it go.

Well I hope everyone is having a great Easter! And spending the day with family and friends I know I am. This blog is going to be a lot of fun for me. I hope that people will read my blog and maybe post a comment of two, and enjoy it!

I hope all is well,

Melissa Newman